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The Sapphire from 2019 - Current
The Sapphire from 2013 - 2018
The Blue Goose award was created during a conversation amongst UFTFAA officers and board members in winter 2012. Those in attendance were Hugo Miller, James Pringle, Dr. Liston Bochette III, Richard Grobman and Thomas Doerr. The Blue Goose Award honors great UF Track & Field men and women through Athletics and Humanities. The Blue Goose Award is a large, beautiful and heavy piece of blue lead crystal.
The Blue Goose Award is named in honor of the legendary DC-3 aircraft that safely carried Florida Gator athletes to competitions throughout the United States. For decades, the Blue Goose was the subject of dozens of Florida Track stories of adventures in the air. Some of the stories are even true and for those of us who have flown, literally, The Blue Goose, who could not forget our Pilot Captain Jack. The Blue Goose has been immortalized in our fight song created by our 1990?s UFTFAA alumni with the lyric ??used to drive a Cadillac, now I?m flying Cap?t Jack?.
The first Blue Goose Award was presented on April 6, 2013 at the Orange & Brew pub on the campus of the University of Florida during the annual UFTFAA reunion, and Pepsi Florida Relays. The first recipient of this prestigious award was triple jumper Christian Taylor the 2012 Olympic Gold Medalist.
Blue Goose Award Recipients
2013 - Christian Taylor (Field - 2010's)
2014 - Beaufort Brown (Track - 1970's) & Lori Mercer (Field - 1980's)
2015 - Keith Brantly (1980's), Jackie Gordon (Lady Gator 1970's) & Will Claye (2010's - no show)
2016 - Mike Cotton (1970's) & Stephen Adderly (1990's). Special Guest Speaker Ms. Cindi O'Connell
2017 - Dock Luckie Jr. (1907's), Benny Vaughn (1970's) & Kimberly Jones (1990's). Special Guest Speaker: Calvin Smith Sr (Olympian & Author). A special book signing of his book "It should have been gold".
2018- Ron Book (1970's), Doug Horn (1980's) & Cory MeGee (2010's).
2019 - Dennis Skelton (1970's) & Terrell Wilks (2010's)